By. Masykur A. Baddal - Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, which until now there has been no equal. The biggest building is triangular, it has an altitude of 146m. Believed to be built during the reign of Pharaoh Khufu, namely in the year 2560 BC.
Controversy surrounding the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza process ongoing until the end of the 19th century. Where, most of the world archaeologists still argue, that the Great Pyramid of Giza was built with granite stone block construction amounted to 2.3 million seed stone taken from the region of Aswan. Every block of stone has a weight of 2.5 tons. Construction process takes as long as 30 years, involving 100,000 workers.
Some even speculate, that the pyramid was built by a UFO with a link to a portrait of the pyramids on Mars. There is also the pyramid identifies, relates directly to the constellation Orion constellation. If the terms of the location katiga Giza pyramids, the Maya pyramids were believed to have the same layout and position, based cluster constellation Orion.
However, all the speculation surrounding the technical development process and the Pyramids of Giza, in 1981 seemed to be solved. A French national researcher, Professor Joseph Davidovits, Director of the Institute Geopolymer France. Surprisingly put forward a theory that the Great Pyramid of Giza was built of clay elements are then baked into hard as stone.
Professor Davidovits say, that the clay and other materials taken from along the Nile Suangai, then these ingredients together in a special wooden molds, and can be used repeatedly. Mix all the elements of clay is then heated at high temperatures, causing chemical components of these materials interact with each other and form a sort of stone, just like volcanic rock, which was formed millions of years ago. With this kind of technical, has made all the blocks of stone and pieces of the same size.
Experiments conducted by Professor Davidovits using Nanotechnology (the branch of engineering that deals with things smaller than 100 nanometers) to prove the existence of a large number of elements of water in the rocks. This amount should not be there, like the majority of natural stone.
Tests used electron microscopy to analyze samples of stone pyramid. The result, according to the opinion of Prof. Davidovits, and clear quartz crystals appear as a result of heating mud. Analysis of the scale Mini E indicates the presence of silicon dioxide as well. So this proves that the stones are not natural.
Moreover, in his book "Ils ont les pyramides bati" (how to build a pyramid), published in 2002, Professor Davidovits has explained all the puzzles that become archaeologists debate, about how the Great Pyramid of Giza was built. In addition, he also they reset mechanism simple geometric construction of mud. Several studies have confirmed that the type of furnace or stove has been used in ancient times to make ceramics and sculptures. In general, after the clay is mixed with metal and other natural materials, and burned with a flame, until it hardens statue resembles the shape of a real rock.
Opinion Davidovits also confirmed by Mario Collepardi, a professor of Italy that specializes in the research pyramid architecture. He believes that the Pharaoh using chalk powder is available in abundance in their area, mixed with ordinary soil. Then they add the water of the Nile and set fire to a temperature of 900 degrees Celsius. This heating process empowers the stone and make it similar to the natural rock.
The process of preparing the clay blocks are pre-heated, in order to form a pyramid. Is to build a slope (ramp) of wood surrounds the pyramid construction, making it easier for workers to process the raw material transporting clay / mud to various sections of the building pyramids. So in this way, it is not necessary to mention tens of thousands of workers to build a pyramid.
Furthermore, in December 2006, a number of archaeologists of the world such as, Michel Barsoum, Adrish Ganguly, and Gilles Hug have published their opinions in the Journal of the American Ceramic Society, which endorse the findings of Professor Davidovits related development processes Great Pyramid of Giza. Although there are several other Egyptian archaeologists have not been able to accept the theory.
Technical development pyramid, also became a secret Egyptian Pharaoh. Of the millions of existing tastamen, none of that explains about the technical construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza in detail.
So with these latest findings, will open our eyes, that the technology used is actually very simple. Due to the lack of information about technical details, pushing each archaeologists speculate according to the way of thinking of each.
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